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Political Crooks

What is this trend that politicians even when caught red-handed taking bribes and committing other illegal acts refuse to step down from office?

You have congressmen taking bribes with the FBI videotaping them and raiding the congressman's office and finding the evidence. The response; You can't do that to me! Give that bribe money and the evidence back! You have no right! I'm an elected official!

You have delay who took forever to give up his position even though there are several ethical oif not illegal activities on his part.

And now In a sharp rebuke, the City Council of San Jose, Calif., formally asked the city's mayor to resign Wednesday, just days after he was arraigned on fraud, bribery and conspiracy charges. The mayor, Ron Gonzales, rejected the request for his resignation.

Politicians have been doing underhanded business and taking bribes for so long they have come to believe it is their right to do so and seem totally shocked that anyone would actually object to them continuing a criminal enterprise.

They seem to actually think they are supposed to take bribes.

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Who Does Ann Coulter Speak For?


Demand House Republicans Denounce Ann Coulter's Hate-Speech

Target: Republican Members in the United States Congress

Sponsor: Democratic Congressonal Campaign CommitteeSignatures: 5,047

Goal: 25,000

Deadline: Ongoing...

As Rep. Rahm Emanuel (D-IL), chairman of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, said on the House floor recently, we are blessed with many freedoms, and among those is the right to freely speak our minds. While Freedom of Speech is one of the principles that makes our country great, it also means we have to endure hate filled rhetoric, like what was recently used by Ann Coulter.
In her new book, the princess of the Right slanders the 9/11 widows, writing: "These broads are millionaires, lionized on TV and in articles about them, reveling in their status as celebrities and stalked by grief parrazies. I have never seen people enjoying their husband's death so much."

Ann Coulter has the right to speak of hate, but we also have a right to know whether our politicians stand by these hate filled comments. And right now there's a deafening silence from the Republican side, and their silence is allowing her to be their spokesperson.

Join the DCCC in telling Republicans to denounce Ann Coulter's hate speech - Ask the House Republicans is Ann Coulter speaking for you?

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Pankaj Saini is a Pedophile?

Most of you know I run a missing children organization and take that very serious. Well today I learned that someone is taking content from the missing children blog here at and putting it into the source code of their website.

So when you go to and type in kidsearch one of the results on the first page is a story I posted to the blog about and sexual predators. That result leads to http:// www. mymyblackteen. com a porn website. DO not go there if it offends you.

But here is what the guy put into the source code.

Is still a ‘predator’s dream?

by Teen make up (teen-make-up) @ Mon, 03 Jul 2006 06:05:12 +0800

Typical that the National Center for Made up and Exaggerated Statistics (NCMEC) is ... Click here to learn how you can monitor your child or teen's computer ... Kidsearch Network Website Runaway Teens Make a Donation to Kidsearch

So he is using content from missing kids websites to promote teen porn.

So I do a whois on the guy and get this;

Whois Server:

Whois Record

Pankaj Saini
16, rue michel le comte
Paris, IDFrance 75003

Registered through:
Created on: 23-Jun-06
Expires on: 23-Jun-07
Last Updated on: 26-Jun-06

Administrative Contact:
Saini, Pankaj
16, rue michel le comte
Paris, IDFrance 75003
(014) 278-6434 Fax --

Technical Contact:
Saini, Pankaj
16, rue michel le comte
Paris, IDFrance 75003
(014) 278-6434 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order:

so I do a search for Saini, Pankaj and find that he also has another domain name where I also compared whois results and got this;

Whois Server:
Name Server: NS.OVH.NET

Whois Record

Pankaj Saini
16, rue michel le comte
Paris 75003

Registered through:
Created on: 07-Apr-05
Expires on: 07-Apr-07
Last Updated on: 03-Apr-06

Administrative Contact:
Saini, Pankaj
16, rue michel le comte
Paris 75003
(014) 278-6434 Fax --

Technical Contact:
Saini, Pankaj
16, rue michel le comte
Paris 75003
(014) 278-6434 Fax --

Domain servers in listed order:

And I find that this guy is a self-proclaimed SEO guru who writes articles and gives advice about SEO. Some SEO technique, steal content from missing kids websites to promote teen sex websites. Other people have already found my posts about this pervert and have told me he does the same with their content.

Well, I have already contacted a lot of people like webhosts he uses and his domain name registrar, etc.

What I would like to do is have as many people as will do it go to and ask this pervert if he recommends this SEO technique to everyone . . . or whatever you would like to tell him. Oh and the rumors that Pankaj Saini is a Pedophile may not be true.

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Colorado U. Chancellor Advises Firing Author of Sept. 11 Essay

The interim chancellor at the University of Colorado said on Monday that Prof. Ward L. Churchill, whose comments about the victims of Sept. 11 prompted a national debate about the limits of free speech, should be fired for academic misconduct. Professor Churchill, 58, was immediately relieved.
This is troubling. Not because I agree with this guy's theory about 9-11, but the fact that our Professors and Teachers can be fired for having an opinion they speak freely about that goes against the current politicians in power.

9-11 conspiracy

That begins tyranny. The message it sends is if you value your job do not speak out against the government. That is not democracy. That is not freedom of speech.

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The Knicks Fired Larry Brown?

Its no wonder the New York Knicks suck at basketball every year. They have owners with no desire to have a winning team. Every team Larry Brown has coached has been taken to the playoffs, including teams that had no stars to rely on. He could have done the same for the Knicks given the chance, but the owners don't want to win.

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Doctors and Researchers Bribed?

Pharmaceuticals Bribe Doctors

As she presented research results indicating that a new medical device was "an important breakthrough," the doctor's enthusiasm was clear. Less evident were some of the financial links between the researchers and the device's maker.

Dr. Maria Rosa Costanzo, making her presentation at a March conference of cardiologists, said the study found that a $14,000 blood filtering device was better than intravenous diuretic drugs at removing excess fluid from patients with heart failure.

Although outside researchers raised questions about the study's conclusions, the doctor betrayed little doubt. "We believe these results challenge current medical practice and recommendations," said Dr. Costanzo, who predicted many patients might benefit.

Dr. Costanzo did disclose to the audience that she was a paid consultant with stock in the device's maker, a Minnesota company called CHF Solutions. But she omitted another potentially important detail: CHF Solutions was also one of the largest donors to the nonprofit research foundation that had overseen the study. The company contributed about $180,000 in 2004, according to the foundation's federal filings.
This is what medical care has gotten to. Doctors prescribe the drugs that pharmaceutical companies pay them to prescribe. Medical studies find the results that those same drug companies want them to find.

The medical profession has sold their oath to the highest bidder. If you trust the medical profession these days then you are just being naive.

source: NY Times Story

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Chicago Officials Convicted in Patronage Arrangement

CHICAGO, July 6 — A jury convicted four former city officials here on corruption charges Thursday, sending a resounding message, prosecutors said, that City Hall's legendary patronage machine should come to a halt.

After a six-week trial and three and a half days of deliberations, the jury of 10 men and 2 women agreed with the federal government's argument that the city's longtime practice of awarding jobs and promotions to politically connected candidates and campaign workers was a crime.

Led by the office of Patrick J. Fitzgerald, the United States attorney here and also the special prosecutor in the C.I.A. leak case in Washington, prosecutors attacked what they called a "corrupt clout machine" that orchestrated a fraud in city hiring and promotions.
So when is George W. Bush's court date? Bush appoints his cronies to every post there is including FEMA and the Supreme Court as in the attempt to put Harriet Miers in there. If the federal government says this is illegal for the city to do, then why isn't it illeagl for the politicians in the federal government to do? Whats good for the goose . . .

The rest of the story

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Ann Coulter: Shock Publicity

Ann Coulter: Still Bomb N.Y. Times

Ann Coulter, whose book, "Godless, The Church of Liberalism," has reached runaway best-seller status, won’t back down on comments made about bombing the New York Times main office building in Manhattan.

Coulter’s comments are reverberating around the journalism world. This weekend, Editor & Publisher magazine featured this story: "Coulter Affirms Prevous Statement About Bombing 'NYT' Office.”
First she says the widows of people who died on 9-11 are enjoying their husband's deaths and she has made other statements like bombing the NY Times.

ann coulter book

All she is doing is selling books and selling out. She doesn't care about conservative causes or anything else except money. Ann Coulter cares about Ann Coulter.

No one should take her or her comments seriously simply because she is a bimbo out to make a buck. This latest book by Ann Coulter is to the publishing world what street-walking is to the real world. Ho, Ho, Ho, and I'm not talking about Santa.

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The Cure is Worse then the Disease

For three days now I've been locked out of one of my blogs because either google's blogger spambot or some individual flagged the blog as possible spam.

When they do that, you can ask for a review. So far after three days I have no word as to whether it has been reviewed or not.

So what is worse, getting some spam or haviung so-called anti-spam people locking you out of legitimate blogs. I post daily and get paid to do so. Think blogger will apologize and reimburse me? The spammers cost me nothing.

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Burning the Bill of Rights

Editorial from the NY Times - With the Fourth of July fast approaching, Senate Republicans are holding a barbecue. Unfortunately, instead of grilling hot dogs and hamburgers, they are trying to torch a hole in the First Amendment's free speech guarantee by passing an amendment to the Constitution that would allow federal and state authorities to punish flag-burning.

Some things should be out of bounds even in a competitive election year. Messing with the Constitution is one of them.
Here I agree with them. They should just pass a law that if a flag-burner gets beat up for doing so that the beating wasn't illegal either.

burn US Flag
Click to Enlarge

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